Big, Broad, BeyondWe live in a complicated world.
We are tempted to run toward simplicity or double down with rigid categories. But we serve a BIG, BROAD, BEYOND God. This mini-series is about giving God space to expand our minds and hearts and souls...even our that we can experience a multi-dimensional God who can work within the wild diversities and complexities of our world. |
July 9, 2023: "Songs of a Preferred Future"
"Songs have always been the language of the oppressed, the downtrodden, the confused, the wondering and wandering. They have been throughout human history that we know of. They are a way of envisioning a better day--a different day than the one we have. They are a way of reminding ourselves of the preferred future." -- Pastor Steve North
"Songs have always been the language of the oppressed, the downtrodden, the confused, the wondering and wandering. They have been throughout human history that we know of. They are a way of envisioning a better day--a different day than the one we have. They are a way of reminding ourselves of the preferred future." -- Pastor Steve North
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July 2, 2023: "Sifting, Sorting, Discerning"
"We as Americans are not center of God's ultimate vision, but we are part of it—a part where we are called to bless, to hold prophetic mirror to our society, and to honor its gifts. This is the strong vision that fuels the sorting, sifting, and discerning we must do. It is a grand vision that outshines narrow patriotism as the sun outshines flashlight."
Sermon Audio
June 25, 2023: "Redeeming a Complicated World"
"Categories are necessary. We naturally seek order and categories help. It's how our brains work. But our categories are not Divine, God has space for far more diversity than we do. Our faith would benefit if we put less energy toward trying to fit things into our human categories, and more energy stepping into the wildness and freedom of Divinity."
Sermon Audio
June 18, 2023: "Big God, Many Expressions"
"God is too big, too Holy, too abundant to think that any one of us, our churches, our theological systems or political philosophies or personal mantras can capture the Divine reality, let alone our human reality. Our work is not to go back and imitate an individual person or even the church in Acts. We can glean wisdom and be inspired, but what God is doing in and among us will always take new forms."
June 11, 2023: Multi-Church Service at the Point Place Lighthouse
Point Place UCC joined with CrossPoint Community Church, RiverPoint Ministries UMC, and Messiah Lutheran Church to praise God and celebrate the bond of the Spirit at the Point Place Lighthouse. This service was a collaborative effort that culminated in a shared cookout meal. You can see the service on CrossPoint's Facebook page (below).
June 4, 2023: "Whenever You Eat"
In this message, Pastor Jon gives some background on the Doctor of Ministry Project the church will be working on in the coming months. Here's the main question: "How might a recovery of the practice of Eucharist as a shared meal create a container for both connection and disruption, enabling churches to develop more compassionate and creative conversation partners?"
Sermon Audio: