Table TalkThis mini-series surrounds our "Breakfast Church Experiments," where we introduce DISRUPTIVE conversations into the CONNECTION of Breakfast Church. These experiments are on August 27, September 10 and 24. Videos will not be available, but some configuration of the messages will be. Check it of person! 10am Sunday Mornings.
September 24, 2023 - "Engagement" (Breakfast Church Experiment #3)
'There is a form of Christianity that you can be a part of that does not engage these powers...never do this examination and the work of reimagination and notice where the powers hold our bodies, minds, hearts, souls. There is a popular and 'thriving' form of Christianity that works within the system to tell people how to live well within the system they've been given: 'Christian' Principles for managing your life. Replacing beliefs and behaviors. And when these work, we call it blessing and faithfulness. But these are not Christian principles at all; they are principles for succeeding within the system of our society, for accommodating to the gods and patterns of our culture...It is a 'Christianity' that helps us to manage within the culture and society we’ve been given, but does not call us to “repent,” or live as a “new humanity,” or “die to ourselves” and enter into “abundant/eternal life."
Sermon Audio

9.24.23.mp3 | |
File Size: | 18782 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
September 17, 2023 - "Vulnerability and Golden Calves Named Yahweh"
"We don’t literally craft golden calves…but we do make lives and religions and gods out of our anxiety and fear that are designed to be familiar, reassuring, and safe. Many forms of Christianity are like this golden calf. We call it by the name Yahweh/Jesus, but it is crafted out of our fear of vulnerability, exposure, and disorientation in wilderness."
Sermon Audio
September 10, 2023 - "Identity" (Breakfast Church Experiment #2)
"The goal of these conversations is not guilt, not a partisan agenda, not agreement. As with John the Baptist, what may feel like condemnation might really be an invitation. An invitation to a bigger gospel, to a hope that there is more to God, more to Jesus, more to faith. When race is brought up as an ongoing problem for the church or when what we think of as basic biblical Christianity is questioned, it is not our job to fight or defend, but create space for us to learn and grow."
Sermon Audio

9.10.23.mp3 | |
File Size: | 27307 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
September 3, 2023 - "The Voices of the Invisible Pharaohs"
"The God of Sabbath enables us to resist the voices of the invisible Pharaohs and retune to a God who is interested in our liberation, to a relationship that is rooted in love, not utility."
Sermon Audio
August 27, 2023 - "Idolatry" (Breakfast ChurCh Experiment #1)
"God is not opposed to idolatry just because we get the wrong name or form. It’s about our hearts and lives and desires being tied to pursuits that are ultimately empty, disintegrating, dehumanizing, and powerless to cultivate us up into our collective full humanity. True faith is drawing us out of a world of scarcity, delusion, and emptiness, and into a cosmos shaped and sustained and saved by the True God, known to us in Jesus."
Sermon Audio

8.27.23.mp3 | |
File Size: | 17537 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
August 20, 2023 - "The Thousandth Generation"
"Because Christ has taken on our sin, entered death, and out-Lifed it, our lives can be governed by Spirit of Life: Living in light of liberating grace rather than fear of condemnation—this is our gift and vocation in Christ."
Sermon Audio