The living God
With Christ risen from the dead, we are assured that God is alive and that God's plan to be WITH us is secure. Prayer is how we live into this new reality and assurance. But...
What is prayer all about? How do we do it? These are the questions we will explore during the Easter season this year. |
June 5, 2016 "The journey of prayer" shared by church member dave meiser
May 29, 2016 "A look at three soldiers" Guest tom treece
May 22, 2016 Lectio divina
May 15, 2016 "God's people in prayer" Conversation with Trevor Carr, an intercessory missionary from City Light Church
May 8, 2016 "unanswered prayers"
May 1, 2016 "Circle-making"
April 24, 2016 "prayer incarnate"
April 18, 2016 "two-way-street"
April 10, 2016 "kingdom prayer"
April 3, 2016 "Connecting with the living god"