Hear the message.....live God's word........

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105
Current Series: "Going Small"
Many churches are trying to get bigger! What if the key to spiritual growth is by getting smaller? Jesus' disciples became world-changers. But how? Perhaps one of the most important lessons we learn from Jesus' disciple-making process is one we often overlook: Jesus made disciples in a small group context. This summer, we will look at some of the away-from-the-spotlight moments Jesus had with his disciples and how these moments were central in helping them become men and women who could lead the Church. Finally, we will ask how this small group principle fits into our life at PPUCC.
September 4, 2011:"Holy Commun...ity" Mark 14: 12-42. Communion is about community.
August 28, 2011: "Community Service" Mark 10:32-45. Real Christian community involves hurt and healing.
August 21, 2011: Guest Pastor Will Stuart "If You Wanna Be Right With GOD, Get Right with the Misfits" Mark 9:33-37.
August 7, 2011: "Facing Outward" Mark 6:6b-13, 30-44. Small groups aren't just for us; they're for the world.
July 31, 2011: "Private Lessons" Mark 4: 1-20, 33-34. Going Deeper often requires Going Smaller.
July 24, 2011: "Hitting Home" Mark 1:29-39. Jesus makes the Gospel "hit home" by taking it into our homes, into every place where we do life.
July 17, 2011: "Change You Can Believe In" Mark 1:16-20, 2 Corinthians 5:17-18. We've learned to be cynical of anyone who promises us a changed life. Why do Christians have reason to believe in real transformation?
July 10, 2011: "It's Personal" Mark 1:16-20. Is Christianity about following a set of rules? A set of religious traditions? A system of morals? A crutch for struggling people? Well whatever else it is, doesn't it begin by being personal? We'll see as Jesus calls his first disciples.
July 3, 2011: "Dual Citizenship" Jeremiah 29:1-14, Luke 18: 9-14. As American Christians, we are dual citizens. But which citizenship is primary and drives the other? How do we relate to our country as Christians?
Point Place United Church of Christ 4920-297th Toledo Oh 43611 419-726-7390 office@pointplaceucc.org