Like Him We Rise (Easter Season 2012)

The New Testament tells us again and again that as we come to know and follow the Risen Christ, we share in his Resurrection. Or, as one hymn celebrates, "Made like him, like him we rise...Ours the Cross, the grave, the skies." In baptism, Jesus' death and resurrection story becomes our story. So this Easter Season, we will be entering into the stories of some of the people who encountered the Risen Christ, and experienced a kind of Resurrection. These stories include people who found themselves in a variety of places on their journey: doubt, grief, shame, hostility, etc. So as we engage these stories, we will be seeking to find where the Risen Christ might be meeting us, and how he might make his Resurrection ours.
May 20, 2012: "Resurrection Seeds" Acts 8 :1-8, 26-40. We have Resurrection seeds to plant.
May 6, 2012: "Open Eyes and Burning Hearts" Luke 24: 13-36. Resurrection encounters lead to open eyes and burning hearts.
April 29, 2012: "A Resurrection Encounter" Acts 9:1-31. We might ask, "Where does Resurrection happen?" The better question is, "Where doesn't Resurrection happen?"
April 22, 2012: "A Resurrection Encounter" Acts 9: 1-31. While there may be many differences in the details, Paul's Resurrection encounter with Jesus is something we-and all Christians-share.
April 15, 2012: "The Look on Their Faces!" John 20:11-29, 21:1-22. We receive a visit from Jesus, who recounts his Resurrection encounters with three disciples in three very different places. Where might the Risen Christ meet and surprise us?
Easter Sunday: April 8, 2012 "Behind the Stone" Mark 16:1-8. "Who will roll away the stone," was the question of the day for the women who visited Jesus' tomb that first Easter morning. By the end of that morning, their questions had changed. What are the "stones" in our lives, and how does knowing that Jesus is alive change all those questions?