Where we came from......

Point Place Congregational 1917
Point Place United Church of Christ was organized in 1917. Located first on Summit Street, the congregation moved to its second and current location on the corner of 297th and 117th Streets in 1954.
Organized as a Congregational Christian Church, the congregation voted to become a part of the United Church of Christ after its creation in 1957.
Organized as a Congregational Christian Church, the congregation voted to become a part of the United Church of Christ after its creation in 1957.
Where we are now........

Point Place UCC 2010
In its 95 year history, Point Place Church has been served by six pastors. The first called pastor was The Rev. John Paterson who served from 1926-1959. Our second pastor was The Rev. Ed Culver who served from 1959-1969. Our third pastor, The Rev. John Rainey served from 1969-1995. The Rev. Todd A. Petty served our church family from 1996-2001. The Rev. James H. Latimer served our church from Feb. 2003 to July 2008. The Rev. Jon Komperda from 2010-Present
If you are looking for a church home, please feel free to join us for Worship, Christian Education, Service and Fellowship. We would love to have you as a part of our family!
If you are looking for a church home, please feel free to join us for Worship, Christian Education, Service and Fellowship. We would love to have you as a part of our family!