Hear the message.....live God's word........

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105
Lenten Series: "The Cross and Us"
Lent is a time to stop, assess, and reflect. In Lent, we are called to take an honest look at ourselves and things about life that may be difficult. When we do this, many of us find fear in our hearts and minds. During Lent, we will look at some of the places these fears come from: guilt, shame, worthlessness, loneliness, and confusion. When we honestly bring these emotions and fears to the Cross of Jesus, the Bible tells us that they can be transformed. Into what? Take a listen...
Lent: March 13, 2011: "Guilt: Friend or Foe?" Hebrews 10:1-18. Guilt can be a gift from God, meant to lead us to the mercy we find in Jesus. Why do we feel guilty and what do we tend to do when those feelings arise? What happens when we bring our guilt to the Cross?
Lent: March 20, 2011: "The Wall of Shame" Genesis 2:22-25, 3:6-13, 2 Corinthians 5: 11-21. Why do we feel shame and how does it look when we're living out of it? What happens when we bring our shame to the Cross? How does the Cross transform our shame into something better?
Lent: March 27, 2011: "Unworthy and Invaluable" Romans 5:1-11. We are constantly searching for assurance that we are valuable and significant. And when that search comes up empty, we feel worthless. Could it be that we're not looking in the right places?
Lent: April 3, 2011: "Lonely" Matthew 27: 45-51. The Cross affirms the reality of loneliness- there is something missing- but it also is a promise of God's eternal presence.
Lent: April 10, 2010: "Asking for Direction" Matthew 16:21-26. Life can be pretty confusing? Why? And what could we possibly learn about how to live from Jesus' death?
PALM SUNDAY: April 17, 2011 "What's a Messiah?" Matthew 21:1-17. Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is the beginning of a crash course in Messiahship.
Maundy Thursday - A Communion Service: April 21, 2011 "A Family Meal"John 13:1-17, 31-35.
Point Place United Church of Christ 4920-297th Toledo Oh 43611 419-726-7390 office@pointplaceucc.org