Hear the message.....live God's word........

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105
Advent and Christmas
During the Advent Season, we look at some of the words of Isaiah that were intended to prepare us for the Messiah, God's Chosen One. We look at who Jesus is, how we can live as his followers, and how we can prepare for the time when he returns.
November 28, 2010 (First Sunday of Advent): "Hope for Today" Isaiah 2:1-5. Many of us are willing to put our hope in God for eternity (heaven), but go elsewhere to find the "good life" now. Do you believe that God holds the keys to the "good life" now and later? Are you willing to learn from Jesus how to have that life?
December 5, 2010 (Second Sunday of Advent): "Let There Be Peace on Earth, and Let It Begin With..." Isaiah 11:1-10. Is "world peace" a reasonable hope, and if so, where does peace begin?
December 19,2010 (Fourth Sunday of Advent): " Immanuel: Blessing or Curse?" Isaiah 7:10-17. There's more to this famous "Immanuel" passage than meets the eye. There's a decision.
CHRISTMAS EVE: December 24, 2010 "Just the Beginning" Luke 1:1-20. Hearing the Christmas message is JUST THE BEGINNING...for the shepherds and for us.
December 26, 2010: "God's Glorious Light" Isaiah 60:1-6, Matthew 2:1-12. The arrival of God's light shows the world what real glory is all about. Have you encountered a God who makes all of the other little 'glory-imitations' that we chase after seem insignificant and who inspires joy not only in you but in those around you?
Point Place United Church of Christ 4920-297th Toledo Oh 43611 419-726-7390 office@pointplaceucc.org