People Who Give"Stewardship" is a word that can make church people RUN! But it is also a word that gets at the core of what God made us as human beings according to the Bible. What often gets lost is that stewardship is not about money. It is about an entire approach to life that is marked by sharing, generosity, and gratitude. In this series, we will explore the human element of stewardship--how it is our stories, our relationships, our communities that move us to give, serve, and love--and the God who gave us everything.
november 24, 2019 "simple gifts"
november 17, 2019 "stewards"
November 10, 2019 "the Sower" pastor becky przybylski
november 3, 2019 "all the saints"
october 27, 2019 "a people who share"