Glad you asked....(2012 Summer Series)
In this series, we will be addressing YOUR questions. I asked you what you would like me to preach on and you asked some great questions: what is faith? what place has humor in a church service? what has Pollyanna to do with Jesus? and more. Throughout the summer, these questions will be addressed in a variety of ways.
September 2, 2012: "What Does Faith Have to do with My Job?" Genesis 3:17-19, Colossians 3:12-4:1.
August 26, 2012: "4 Stories That Will Turn Your World Upside-Down" (Part 4)
August 19:2012: 4 Stories That Will Turn Your World Upside-Down" (Part 3) Luke 16:19-31. Are you living like Jesus is turning the world upside-down?
August 12, 2012: "4 Stories that Will Turn Your World Upside-Down" (part 2) Luke 15. The Story of Restoration is way bigger than the math.
July 15, 2012: "Trust Issues" Proverbs 3:1-6, Hebrews 10:39-11:40. What is faith? Faith: a deep trust in God that Dramatically changes how we live life.
July 8, 2012: "Pollyanna and Jesus" Psalm 104, Romans 1: 18-25, John 16: 20-24, 29-33 . This 3-part sermon addresses "Pollyannaism," or other positive-thinking type philosophies. We see how Pollyanna gives us a starting point for joy (Ps. 104), then look at the problem of Pollyannaism (Rom. 1), and finally go beyond Pollyannaism (John 16:33).
June 24, 2012: "Humor Me", Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8, Luke 6:20-28. Laughter is a gift from be guided by the ways of God's Kingdom.
June 17, 2012: "How do I Live in God's Will?", Jeremiah 29: 1, 4-14. God has not called us to survive, but to THRIVE.
June 10, 2012: "What Should I Do with My Life", Romans 12: 1-8. For followers of Jesus, our occupation is a Kingdom thing.