But what i do have...Is the glass half empty? or half full?
Many of us begin our days thinking about our lack of sleep and end our days worrying about the problems we didn’t solve. We are trapped in a scarcity mindset—plagued by the conviction that we don’t have enough, we haven’t done enough, we aren’t enough. The Bible, however, shows us a God of abundance who can do far more than we can ask or imagine, who feeds 5000 people with a few loaves of bread and a couple fish. So what’s the secret? Well maybe it’s not about whether the glass is half empty or half full. It’s about Who’s pouring. |
November 18, 2018 "the freedom of abundance"
novemeber 11, 2018 "scarcity writ large"
November 4, 2018 "making space" or "a reflection on curiosity and abundance"
October 28, 2018 "Missionary Spirit"
October 21, 2018 "living in abundance"
October 14, 2018 "waiting in scarcity or walking in abundance"
October 7, 2018 "into the light"
september 23, 2018 "...i give to you"
September 16, 2018 "spirit of adaptation"
September 9, 2018 "but what i do have..."