Spirit(uality) in the WIldWe have often relied on set times and places like Sunday mornings "at church" to remind us to pay attention to God. What happens when a global pandemic takes away those times and places? There's no better time to develop a robust Spirit(uality) that helps us to connect with God and God's purposes in everyday life, in everyday places!
August 30, 2020 "Gestalt Spirituality, AKA The Moment"
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August 23, 2020 "chatting with Anger"
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August 16, 2020 "cONFESSION: i HURT YOU. i DON'T KNOW. i NEED HELP."
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August 9, 2020 "the LORD'S pRAYER"
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August 2, 2020 "Bending the Internet"
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July 26, 2020 "Waiting in Line"
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July 12, 2020 "Kairos Time" Mark 1:14-16
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July 5, 2020 "Brother Lawrence and the Spirituality of the Meal" John 21:9-14, Matthew 26:26-29, Isaiah 25:6-10
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June 28, 2020 "The Best Part of Waking Up" Ephesians 5
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June 21, 2020 "Creating Sacred Space" Exodus 25
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June 14, 2020 "Whatever You Do: Yardwork" Colossians 3:17
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June 7, 2020 "Body and Spirit" Genesis 1-2
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May 31, 2020 "Waiting for Something" Acts 1-2
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