"In the Beginning" (Current-Fall 2011)
The Bible is a Story: about God, about the world he created, and about us. It's a Story that builds and blossoms from beginning to end. And like any good story, the beginning, middle, and end are all intricately woven together in a beautiful fabric where we can find our place and our purpose. Genesis 1-12 "sets the scene" for God's Story. Yet, while many of us know the individual stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, and the Tower of Babel, most of us would have trouble showing how these little stories fit into the big Story or how the Gospel Story is being whispered even in these early moments. Those are the goals of this Fall sermon series, "In the Beginning."
November 20, 2011: "The Journey Begins" Genesis 12: 1-4a.
God is blessing.....a community.....that blesses the world.......as it lives by faith.
November 13, 2011: "Hope and Humanism" Genesis 9-11. Where is your hope? Should we have faith in ourselves or humanity? What does God's Story have to say about the source of true hope?
October 30, 2011: "This Is Where You Belong" Genesis 8:20-9:17. What's a covenant? How is covenant relationship different from how we normally do relationships? And why are covenant's so important to the Bible's Story?
October 23, 2011: "A world in Chaos; A God Who Cares" Genesis 6: 1-8: 19. The flood story shows us a world in chaos and a God who cares.
October 9, 2011: "You Know Those Parts of the Bible You Never Read..." Genesis 5. Genealogies remind us that the Bible is a story and help us to see what kind of story it is.
October 2, 2011: "Sin and Grace" Genesis 4 and Luke 15. We get a special visit from one of Genesis' main characters to warn us about turning from God, and then look at another story about returning to God.
September 25, 2011: "Tragedy and Triumph" Genesis 3. Just looking around, we know that the setting for this world's story has beauty, hope, and truth right along side ugliness, evil, and deception. Why? Genesis 3 shows us that sin is more tragic than we like to admit, but God is more gracious than we can imagine.
September 18, 2011: "Zooming In" Genesis 2:4-25. Zooming in, we see that we are connected: to God, the creation, and each other.
September 11, 2011: "Setting the Scene" Genesis 1:1 -2:3. God is the setting and subject of the Story from beginning to end.