What God Can Do with 4040 is an important number in the Bible.
It is always a time of God preparing people for something new. It makes sense, then, that the Lenten season of 40 days would be a time of preparation to re-experience the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus. Join us as we explore the different ways God uses 40 to cleanse, prepare, and transform...not just in bible stories, but in YOUR life. |
March 31, 2024 - "40 dAYS WITH THE rISEN cHRIST"
"Resurrection is a deeply intimate, physical experience. It takes time and our whole bodies for resurrection to soak into us, reconstitute us, reinvigorate us to be a people who channel the abundant Life of God into a world of fearful scarcity."
March 17, 2024 - "40 Years in the Wilderness"
"What do we learn from the 40 wilderness years? We learn that faith, trust, relationship with God is something learned, trained, cultivated. Morning by morning, we need to be reminded of God’s favorful promises and telling stories of God’s faithful past performance."
March 10, 2024 - "40 (More) Days on the mountain"
"Reconciliation doesn't happen with magic words; it's not transaction. It requires ongoing dialogue, stepping into the fears and distrusts we have developed through many hurts and ruptures, reworking covenant, and chains of choices that move towards encounter, considering cost of reconciliation vs. cost of separation, rehumanizing the other and decentering self, risking deep encounter. It takes time--maybe even longer than 40 days. But that's what 40 is showing us: Process."
March 3, 2024 - "40 Days on the mountain"
"40 Days is a time to acclimate to Communion with God. Because true encounter with the Divine can be scary. We need time to let our disorientation lead to a reorientation with Eden, with the Kingdom of God."
February 25, 2024 - "40 Days of Rain"
"Jesus did not just walk on top of the water like Noah in the ark, but Jesus was baptized into the water, Jesus was submerged where he could meet not just the Noahs, but the rest of humanity that has be overwhelmed by the world’s sin and chaos and death."
February 18, 2024 - "40 Days in the Desert with Jesus" (Lent 1)
"Maybe in your life at a point of new beginning? or a decision you need to make. The question for you in these 40 days is not what the decision will be or what you will do, but what kind of person you will be and how you will go about being a child of God, what kind of person God is making you."
Sermon Audio
February 14, 2024 - "Beauty for Ashes" (Ash Wednesday)
"The ash is our witness to something deeply true about us: that we were dust before God and our bodies will be reunited with the dust again one day. But Ash Wednesday isn’t, in the end, about us. That’s the point...that’s so often the point in spirituality. It’s a witness to an Artist who creates beauty in the medium of dust. Remember, you are dust and to ash you shall return. But just wait to see what God can do with dust and ash. Just give God about 40 days and see..."
Sermon Audio