Flowering in the Fall (Fall 2013)
The Fall is a time when leaves fall from trees, nights get longer, and birds fly south. It seems like the coming-to-an-end of life. Many of us feel like there is no time for a spiritual Fall season in our lives. We are treated like machines and computers and businesses: always expected to produce more, know more, create more profit. But what if we aren't machines or computers and the church isn't a business? What if we are living organisms and God is a Gardener, who prunes and prepares for life even during the "Fall seasons" we go through? This Fall, we will explore how God cultivates us and our communities to grow and be fruitful...even when it doesn't feel like it.
November 24, 2013 "Reflections of Thanksgiving" Deuteronomy 16: 13-15, Galatians 6:7-10
November 17, 2013 "Neither Poverty nor Riches" Luke 12: 13-34
November 10, 2013 "Caught in the Middle" John 15: 1-12
November 3, 2013. "Passing the Torch" Hebrews 10: 19-25, 11: 1-2, 13-17, 12: 1-2
October 27, 2013: "Be the Tree" Deuteronomy 6: 4-8, Psalm 1
October 20, 2013: "Grow...Glow...Glorify" John 15: 8
October 13, 2013: "Covenant and Structure". Exodus 24:1-8, John 15: 2
October 6, 2013: "An Ecology of Prayer". John 15: 1-11
September 29, 2013: "Abiding...Or Not". John 15: 3-6
September 22, 2013: "Resisting Probability" Mark 9: 30-32. (Pastor Luke Lindon-Sylvania UCC)
September 15, 2013: "Flowering in the Fall"