An Altar in the WorldDo you ever feel like there is something "More" to life?
Have you ever had a moment where you were in touch with this "More" and wanted to hold onto it somehow--or find it more often? Many of us have learned that God is only in certain places and with certain people, but the Bible tells a different story. Based on Barbara Brown Taylor's book of the same title, we will both hear that different story and learn practices of discovering God in our real, even "ordinary" lives. |
August 26, 2018 "letters from camp" pastor david montgomery
august 19, 2018 "the practice of pronouncing blessings"
August 12, 2018 "the practice of being present to god"
August 5, 2018 "the practice of feeling pain"
july 29, 2018 "the practice of carrying water"
July 22, 2018 "the practice of saying 'no' "
July 15, 2018 "the practice of living with purpose"
July 8, 2018 "encountering others'
july 1, 2018 "the practice of getting lost"
June 24, 2018 "the practice of walking the earth"
June 17, 2018 "the practice of wearing skin"
june 10, 2018 "the practice of paying attention"
june 3, 2018 "waking up to god"
may 27, 2018 "two doors"