Lent 2014: Getting Our Hands Dirty
During this Lenten season, we are asking God to show us 1 way the Spirit wants to bring Gospel-transformation in our lives. We will look at our souls, our relationships, and our neighborhoods and ask what area God wants to work in. And then we will use Dallas Willard's simple theory that we participate in transformation in 3 steps: Vision, Intention, Means. Check the website and Facebook page for more ways to get your hands dirty this Lent.
During this Lenten season, we are asking God to show us 1 way the Spirit wants to bring Gospel-transformation in our lives. We will look at our souls, our relationships, and our neighborhoods and ask what area God wants to work in. And then we will use Dallas Willard's simple theory that we participate in transformation in 3 steps: Vision, Intention, Means. Check the website and Facebook page for more ways to get your hands dirty this Lent.
Easter Sunday 2014 "They Went to the Tomb" Luke 24:1-12
April 13, 2014 "Getting Our Hands Dirty" Luke 19:28-48
April 6, 2014 "Getting Our Hands Dirty: Means (Rhythms)" Exodus 23
March 30, 2014 "Getting Our Hands Dirty: Means (Community)" Exodus 20
March 23, 2014 "Getting Our Hands Dirty: Means (Spirit)"
March 16, 2014 "Getting Our Hands Dirty: Intention" Exodus 19:7-8
What is the difference between a wish and an intention? Many of us wish that we were different, or at least that things around us were different. But actually intending to change requires counting the cost and making room in our lives for this transformation to take place. Jesus frequently reminds his disciples what following him will mean for their lives, and waits for their intent, not just their wish (see Luke 14:25-33). One might even say that intention is the essence of faith: the intent to live life with God in God's ways, allowing Christ to shape my life. So what is your vision? What is the cost of actually pursuing that vision? Is it worth it? How will you make room for God to bring transformation? [This message was not recorded.]
March 9, 2014 "Getting Our Hands Dirty: Vision" Exodus 19:1-6