Easter People
How did those who witnessed Jesus' Resurrection respond? How can we, who have come to know the living Christ, live in a way that shows us to be "Easter People"?
May 26, 2013: "Pentecost and Membership" Acts 2: 36-47
May 19, 2013: "Waiting" Acts 2
May 12, 2013: "Turn Your Eyes" John 21:20-25. God's people are told, time and time again, to fix our eyes on Jesus.
May 5, 2013: "Downward Mobility"
April 21, 2013: "Another Story" John 21:1-14. The Gospel is a Story about RELATIONSHIP with GOD lived out in REAL LIFE.
April 14, 2013: "Bursting at the Seams" John 20: 30-31
April 7, 2013: "My Lord and My God" John 20:24-29
Easter Sunday March 31, 2013: "Old and New" John 20:1-23