Walk the Walk: a series from the Book of James
“They talk the talk. But they don’t walk the walk.” This is one of the biggest criticisms of the Church in our society. And oftentimes, it’s true. We say we believe, but we are hesitant to fully embrace the life Jesus wants to give us. During the Fall, we will be exploring the book of James. James—often thought to be the brother of Jesus—has one main message for the early followers of Christ: “Walk the walk.” |
November 16, "simple, not easy" James 5: 12-20
november 9, 2014 "James the Just" part 2, James 5: 1-11
November 2, 2014 "James the just" part 1, james 5:1-11
October 26, 2014 "Why do you fight?" James 4
October 19, 2014 "The heart of wisdom"
October 12, 2014 "Taming the tongue, words of life" James 3: 1 -12
October 5, 2014 "faith that works" James 2: 14-26
September 28, 2014 "Betting on the Underdog"
September 21, 2014 "Doers of the Word"
September 14, 2014 "behind the scenes"
September 7, 2014 "A Dispersion of Disciples"