The Goal of Discipleship
The New Testament word “disciple” conveys being a student, follower, learner, even an imitator. Perhaps even better, we can see the word illustrated in how Jesus interacts with his own disciples. He lives life with them, teaches, sends them on adventures together, interprets current events, processes experiences, and more—all in light of the Kingdom of God, the new reality he is teaching them to live into.
The New Testament word “disciple” conveys being a student, follower, learner, even an imitator. Perhaps even better, we can see the word illustrated in how Jesus interacts with his own disciples. He lives life with them, teaches, sends them on adventures together, interprets current events, processes experiences, and more—all in light of the Kingdom of God, the new reality he is teaching them to live into.
Most centrally, Christian discipleship should be shaped by:
- The Great Commandment (Mark 12:29-31)
- The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)