As much as the so-called "War on Christmas" gets the press, I'm far more concerned about the "War on Advent." I know, I know, you didn't even know Advent was under siege. But hear me out. Advent is about waiting, fasting, lamenting, quiet, slowness, darkness--everything our modern holiday season ISN'T about. During this month, we are about busyness, buying, and avoiding anything that might bring us down.
I encourage all of you to "Make Advent Holy Again." One of the ways you can do this is by following along with our Advent series/theme: "The Gift." We will explore how God's true gifts can be received when we embrace darkness, uncertainty, loss, vulnerability...and ultimately, reality. You can listen to the messages in the series here. And you can follow along in our Advent devotional. The first week is posted above. You can also get a hard copy booklet from the church or follow along at our Facebook Page.
May you find the gifts of God this Advent Season.